Mission Statement

The Morris School is committed to providing a wide continuum of learning opportunities which value individuals, maximize both skills and knowledge, enhance self-esteem and produce responsible life-long learners.
To facilitate the challenge of lifelong learning and to develop strategies for making this a rewarding journey.
To provide the opportunity for all students to develop and communicate the skills and techniques necessary for critical thinking, responsible problem-solving, and decision-making.
To ensure that each student will acquire multiple literacy skills including those necessary to enable them to communicate effectively through written and spoken language.
To provide assistance for each student to acquire the essential life skills to be a responsible community member.
To foster respect and consideration for self and others as well as a sense of pride for their school community.
To develop a partnership with parents by initiating and maintaining an active cooperative alliance with parents on educational issues, marked by attentiveness to parents’ concerns and needs, nonjudgmental support of parents’ efforts to nurture their children, and inclusion of parents in the learning process of their children, viewing parents as essential partners in that process.
To have each school be a physically and emotionally safe environment where students want to be and where they are able to develop a spirit of ownership and a sense of belonging. To develop this sense of community, we need to promote self-respect and self-discipline and respect for others in the community, and be sensitive to and tolerant of the differences in each other.
To ensure that we are providing equal access and equality of opportunity for all students in terms of staffing, programs, and resources.